River Ridge Water System Improvements (Elevated Tanks)

River Ridge Water System Improvements (Elevated Tanks)

Jeffersonville, IN

River Ridge Commerce Center Water System Improvements (Elevated Tanks)

HWC provided the design and inspection services for water system improvements for the River Ridge Development Authority, which included two new elevated water storage tanks and water main project at the River Ridge Commerce Center in Jeffersonville, Indiana.

The previous water system lacked enough storage for the water system’s existing and projected demands prior to HWC working on the project. A single 0.75 MG ground storage tank located adjacent to a booster pump station (located just east of SR-62 along Paul Garrett Avenue) and three older elevated tanks with a combined capacity of 0.50 MG provided a total of 1.25 MG of storage. Two pressure zones (north and south) existed in the system with most of the development and water demand in the system being in the southern zone. The pressure zones were separate, and the booster pumping station pumped water to both zones using a pressure reducing valve (PRV) to supply different pressures to each zone. 

Given the proposed increase in capacity of the water treatment plant and well field as part of a separate project, it was desired to provide additional storage to equate to a total volume, which was equivalent to the projected short-term average demand, or approximately 4.0 MG. Accordingly, two elevated tanks with a capacity of 2.0 MG each were installed, and a hydraulic model was completed to determine the tank locations. Ultimately, a location along 8th Street in the northern pressure zone, paired with a site at International Drive in the southern pressure zone, was recommended as the best alternative. The $8 million project was completed in 2022.

Jasonville Water System Improvements Phases 1 & 2

Jasonville Water System Improvements Phases 1 & 2

Jasonville, IN

Water System Improvements Phases 1 & 2

HWC worked with the City of Jasonville, Indiana to complete a master plan of the City’s water system. The study was intended to address NPDES permit violations related to water treatment facility backwash discharge and other system needs.

The master plan, which was funded by an IOCRA grant, recommended a two-phased approach to improve the system.

Phase 1 addressed regulatory compliance issues at the plant. This phase included a new filter backwash lagoon with liner and baffles, new backup power generators at the well field, well field transmission main, and electrical service replacement.

Phase 2 included capital improvements to address depreciated equipment at the treatment plant, replacing a failing supply well, and installing new transmission mains. This phase included the replacement of two gravity filtration units, new high-service pumps and interior piping, a new water supply well, and a new two-mile water supply main in a remote area of the distribution system.

Carlisle Water Supply and Treatment Improvements

Carlisle Water Supply and Treatment Improvements

Carlisle, IN

Water Supply and Treatment Improvements

HWC worked with the Town of Carlisle, Indiana to develop a State Revolving Fund (SRF) compliant Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) to obtain funding to improve the system, which serves the Town and the Wabash Valley Correctional Facility.

The Town’s raw water is supplied by five wells located southwest of the Town of Carlisle, adjacent to SR 58 in the Wabash River aquifer. Three of the wells lacked the capacity to individually meet the system’s demands, and the two larger wells were beginning to show signs of wear due to overuse. Additionally, the packaged filter units were of different capacities and in poor condition. The project recommended a new 600-GPM well and two new 600-GPM aeralator type filter units. Construction and demolition sequencing considerations were of the utmost importance during the design to ensure existing operations could be maintained during construction.

The $3.5 million project was completed in 2021 with funding provided by a SRF loan and a grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA). HWC completed all planning, design, bidding, and construction phase services for this project.

Jamestown Development Infrastructure Plan for Fukai Toyotetsu Indiana Corporation (FTIC)Jamestown

Jamestown Development Infrastructure Plan for Fukai Toyotetsu Indiana Corporation (FTIC)Jamestown

Jamestown, IN

Development Infrastructure Plan for Fukai Toyotetsu Indiana Corporation (FTIC)

HWC worked with the Town of Jamestown, Indiana to provide overall project management, planning, design, bidding, construction administration, and construction observation services for the Fukai Toyotetsu Indiana Corporation (FTIC) Development Infrastructure Plan.

The $2.5 million project included infrastructure upgrades to an industrial site (FTIC) on SR 75 north of Jamestown. The infrastructure serves a 40-acre development for FTIC and allows infrastructure to be expanded to service adjacent sites in the future.

Project improvements to the water system included a new 150,000-gallon water storage tank with a mixing system, booster station, and 12” water main extension.

Project improvements to the sanitary sewer system included a new lift station and dual force mains (3” for current use an 8” gravity sanitary sewer extension)

Project improvements to the stormwater system included a series of open ditches and pipe structures for stormwater conveyance and a regional detention basin.

Roadway improvements included a new roadway extension for access to the industrial site.

Montgomery County I-74/SR 32 Interchange Water System Improvements

Montgomery County I-74/SR 32 Interchange Water System Improvements

Montgomery County, IN

I-74/SR 32 Interchange Water System Improvements

HWC worked with Montgomery County, Indiana to complete planning for the new water supply extension project, which serves the area around the I-74 and SR 32 interchange.

The design included four phases of approximately 4.7 miles of water main ranging from 12” to 20”.

HWC worked closely with both Montgomery County and the Indiana American Water Corporation (INAWC) to ensure the water main design was completed in accordance with INAWC standards. The County entered into a development agreement with INAWC that relinquished ownership of the main to INAWC upon completion of construction.

Phase 1, which included 7,500’ of 20” water main along SR 32, began construction in the fall of 2018 and was completed in the spring of 2019. The estimated total project cost for Phase 1 was $1.5 million, and the estimated total project cost for all phases is $6.2 million. Construction of the remaining phases is contingent upon development in the area.