West Lafayette Safe Routes to Schools Infrastructure Project

West Lafayette Safe Routes to Schools Infrastructure Project

West Lafayette, IN

Safe Routes to School Infrastructure

The Safe Routes to Schools Infrastructure project improved pedestrian access around Cumberland Elementary School and Happy Hollow Elementary School.

Cumberland Elementary School improvements include two crosswalks along Cumberland Avenue, new curb ramps and sidewalks, and solar-powered flashing school zone beacons. One crosswalk was relocated to improve its visibility to vehicular traffic leaving the school parking lot. Surface sidewalks were constructed to provide connectivity between the walkways on the campus and street.

Happy Hollow Elementary School updates include three crosswalks. These crosswalks were improved by constructing new curb ramps, crosswalk pavement markings, and solar-powered flashing school zone beacons. A crosswalk on New Salisbury Street is in the middle of a steep vertical grade, so the flashing beacons provide advanced warning and security for the students crossing at this location.
The flashing beacons used at each school are programmable to allow school personnel to adjust the timing for those days when school has a special schedule.

These improvements were recognized in an award received by the City of West Lafayette for the benefits from utilization of Safe Routes to Schools funding.

New Albany Grid Modernization

New Albany Grid Modernization

New Albany, IN

Grid Modernization

HWC provided design and construction inspection services for the $1.9 million Grid Modernization Project in the Downtown Corridor of New Albany, Indiana.

The project began with a conceptual study that evaluated past recommendations, identified three options for the one-way to two-way grid modernization, and identified three complementary projects for the downtown corridor. HWC studied options for grid corridor modernization, and the chosen option included converting Spring, Market, Elm, Pearl, and Bank streets to two-way traffic. This option manages vehicle patterns, improves access to downtown businesses, calms traffic, improves pedestrian safety, provides bike lanes, and enhances the economic vitality of downtown businesses.

The project included the modernization of 15 traffic signals through the project corridor and upgrades pavement markings and signage for two-way traffic. The identified complementary projects include downtown streetscape improvements, one-way to two-way conversions west of State Street, and a downtown pedestrian bicycle plan.

Crawfordsville Downtown Loop Trail

Crawfordsville Downtown Loop Trail

Crawfordsville, IN

Downtown Loop Trail

The Downtown Loop Trail is an INDOT-funded multi-use path that, when complete, will connect Crawfordsville’s cultural destinations, neighborhoods, downtown shops, and ultimately to the Sugar Creek Trail making downtown Crawfordsville a regional destination for trail tourism. The first phase connects Wabash College to the library, Pike Street Farmer’s Market, Pike Place, and Fusion 54, the downtown workshare community center. The trail consists of a concrete path with custom pavers, new lighting, rest nodes with benches, and shade trees.