Worthington Stormwater Improvements Study
Worthington, IN
Stormwater Improvements Study
HWC completed an IOCRA approved planning grant funded study evaluating the Town’s wastewater and stormwater infrastructure and recommending improvements to the system components for the Town of Worthington, Indiana, located in Greene County.
Regarding the stormwater analysis, first, a Neighborhood Drainage Survey was prepared, distributed, collected, compiled, and analyzed by HWC. The responses to this survey helped identify six key areas within the Town where stormwater drainage was a problem. From these results, HWC further reviewed and analyzed existing systems and developed recommended stormwater system improvements, including the installation of new storm sewers/inlets, rehabilitation of existing sewers/ditches, re-grading existing ditches, installation of new pipes under the existing railroad, construction of new outlet ditches, new drywell structures, and an overflow detention basin. HWC prioritized the improvements into phases to maximize the benefit to the Town based on the funding source. The overall recommendations of all phases had an estimated cost of approximately $2.8M. However, given the availability of Disaster Relief (DR II) funds through IOCRA in the amount of $1M, the phase recommended, based on the location and priority, was estimated at $965,000, thus allowing use of the use of the DR II $1M grant funds.
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