Riley INDOT Asphalt Resurface & Bridge Replacement with Small Structure

Riley INDOT Asphalt Resurface & Bridge Replacement with Small Structure

Riley, IN

INDOT Asphalt Resurface & Bridge Replacement with Small Structure

HWC was responsible for the inspection of the construction of the INDOT Asphalt Resurface and Bridge Replacement with Small Structure project contract (RS-40163). This project was approximately 12 miles long and located in Riley, Indiana on SR 159 from SR 46 to SR 246.

This contract consisted of two projects. The scope of the first project consisted of roadway patching, milling, and resurfacing along SR 159 from SR 46 to SR 246. The scope of the second project consisted of the removal of an existing pipe culvert and installation of a new three-sided box culvert structure near Blackhawk, Indiana on SR 159.

The first project remedied pavement failures that were found along the route due to heavy traffic volumes and heavy vehicles. The second project replaced an older structure to remove the potential for failure in the immediate future.

Construction on the contract began in July of 2020 and was completed in August of 2021.

This project was funded by INDOT and FHWA, and the construction cost was just over $7 million.

Winchester Union Street Reconstruction

Winchester Union Street Reconstruction

Winchester, IN

Union Street Reconstruction

This project was a road reconstruction with storm and sanitary improvements along with new sidewalks on both sides of Union Street. New decorative barrier walls were constructed on both sides under the railroad bridge. Also, new retaining walls and handrails were installed for public safety. During the project a new 8” water main and new service laterals were installed throughout the entire project. The project was 80% funded by federal funds through the Indiana Department of Transportation, with the remaining 20% coming from the City of Winchester. Total project cost was $1.6 million.

Franklin US 31 & Mallory Parkway

Franklin US 31 & Mallory Parkway

Franklin, IN

US 31 & Mallory Parkway

HWC provided inspection services for the US 31 and Mallory Parkway project in Franklin, Indiana.

The project included a new stormwater system, concrete curb and gutter, street signs, sodding in all disturbed areas and total reconstruction, and widening of Mallory Road and Grizzly Cub Drive. This project was approximately 0.2 miles in length. 

The $580,000 project was funded by INDOT and the City of Franklin.


Franklin King Street Reconstruction

Franklin King Street Reconstruction

Franklin, IN

King Street Reconstruction

HWC worked with Franklin, Indiana to complete the $4.3 million King Street Reconstruction project. 

The project included adding raised medians, curb and gutters, storm sewer systems, interconnected bio-swales and rain gardens, a new roundabout, lighting, and drainage master planning for the corridor and adjacent properties.

Improvements along the corridor function as a gradual gateway into Franklin with an emphasis on enhanced roadway elements, such as curbed and planted medians, reduced lane widths, and other traffic-calming features. Portions of the project utilized INDOT federal aid funds. Pedestrian improvements were added along the north and south sides of King Street to improve connectivity to the surrounding neighborhoods, schools, and Franklin Historic Trails system.

Pedestrian improvements were added along the north and south sides of King Street to improve connectivity to the surrounding neighborhoods, schools and Franklin Historic Trails system.


Fishers Allisonville Road Reconstruction

Fishers Allisonville Road Reconstruction

Fishers, IN

Allisonville Road Reconstruction

HWC provided construction inspection services for the Allisonville Road Reconstruction from 126th Street to 131st Street project in Fishers, Indiana. 

The project turned a two-lane roadway into a four-lane roadway with added turn lanes at the two signalized intersections. The project included replacement of a three-sided structure over Shoemaker Ditch, full-depth pavement replacement with added curbs, drainage system, and a multi-use path. The project also included intersection improvements with updated signals and pedestrian crossings, and lighting additions throughout the corridor.

The LPA project was funded by the City of Fishers and the Indiana Department of Transportation. 

The project was completed in October of 2019 at a cost of $9.2 million.