by Toni Takacs | Dec 20, 2021
Indianapolis, IN
Fall Creek Trail Extension
HWC led the design and engineering of the Fall Creek Trail Extension Project, which extends the existing shared-use path from Skiles Test Park to Fort Benjamin Harrison Park in Indianapolis. The 10-foot-wide path winds along the scenic Fall Creek corridor and includes portions of trail within the floodway, allowing trail users to experience the flowing waters of the creek. Work included construction of a sidewalk across the Shafter Road Bridge, which provided a critical connection to Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park.
by Toni Takacs | Dec 20, 2021
Remington, IN
Community Park Trail
HWC worked closely with the Town of Remington to secure a grant from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Land and Water Conservation Fund to develop a trail system within New Park. Main goals of the project were to create a one-mile long walking and biking trail to connect all areas of the park, including their popular splashpad. A small footbridge and trail node with bike racks and a bike repair station were also included.
by Toni Takacs | Dec 20, 2021
Princeton, IN
Princeton Trails
As a part of the city’s Stellar Communities effort, three trail projects were implemented—the Toyota Trail, the Heritage Trail, and the Tiger Trail. The City of Princeton engaged the HWC team to lead the trail design as well as the development of a wayfinding system. The wayfinding system included custom trail markers and map kiosks. HWC also developed a logo that was incorporated into bike racks and the overall theming of the trail system.
by Toni Takacs | Dec 20, 2021
Rushville, IN
Morgan Street and Flatrock Run Trail
The Morgan Street and Flatrock Run Trail connects a newly invigorated downtown Rushville and City Center with their regional attraction, Riverside Park and Overlook at Riverside. Custom historical markers were used to illustrate the transition from the river to the railroad. Other project amenities included limestone seat walls, landscape beds, granite pavers, a mini plaza at the library and new terraced limestone seat walls near Riverside Park and the Riverside Park Amphitheater.
by Toni Takacs | Dec 20, 2021
Muncie, IN
White River Canal District Plaza
This plaza was the first step in the establishment of a development district along the White River in downtown Muncie. Its purpose was to provide a public space for the adjacent residents of a new downtown apartment building that could be programmed with events and food trucks. The city engaged GRT Glass Design to install an interactive sculpture as a central focal point. Trail segments radiating from the plaza will connect the existing canal walkway to the White River Trail.
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