Remington Smith Transport Warehouse
Remington, IN
Smith Transport Warehouse
HWC provided civil engineering for land development for the Smith Transport Warehouse project at 3176 US Highway 24, northwest of the intersection of I-65 and US Highway 24 between Indianapolis and Chicago, in Remington, Indiana.
The site development included a 245,300 SF industrial warehouse with 20 recessed truck docks, 22 employee parking spaces, and a semi-truck trailer parking area. The project also included a dry detention basin, storm sewer, water, sanitary, electric, and gas service lines to the building.
This project was unique because the developer wanted to raise the building’s finished floor elevation so the recessed truck docks could sheet drain to the storm sewer infrastructure. This required extra excavation to the existing dry detention basin to utilize the structural dirt and mounds throughout the site to eliminate the 6” of topsoil for the site.
Offsite, the project included an INDOT driveway with a passing blister, water main extension, sanitary sewer main extension, and public storm sewer infrastructure to service the proposed site.
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