Lafayette Service Area 21

Lafayette Service Area 21

Lafayette, IN

Service Area 21

HWC worked with the City of Lafayette to complete the Service Area 21 – Sewer & Water Utility Master Plan project. Service Area 21 refers to a 4,000-acre area outside the corporate limits of the City of Lafayette on the northeast side of the City at the I-65 and SR 25 interchange.

A crossing of Wildcat Creek and I-65 and connecting the water service to Lafayette’s dual water pressure zone system was evaluated as part of this study.

The area is largely agricultural but included several housing developments and the potential for commercial development, which created a need for water and wastewater utilities to service the area. The final plan included the phased extension of water and sewer services to the area. Future phases can extend these utilities throughout the entire service area and consist of a new well field for supplemental water supply due to the impacts of the proposed Hoosier Heartland corridor development. The construction cost for both phases developed in the plan was $5.8 million. HWC was responsible for design and construction management of Phase 1, which was completed in 2020.

Project Highlights:

  • Economic development necessitated need for Phase 1 construction of water and sanitary extensions
  • Multiple complex construction issues including creek crossing, highway crossing, and several right-of-way easements along a busy roadway corridor
  • Opened areas northeast of Lafayette for potential future development
  • Design of regional lift station to take minimal flows at start up and be expanded for future full build-out

Greenwood Western Regional Interceptor

Greenwood Western Regional Interceptor

Greenwood, IN

Western Regional Interceptor

HWC completed the design of the Western Regional Interceptor, which resulted from a master planning effort completed in conjunction with an IDEM-Agreed Order. The project included a new regional interceptor for the western sanitary sewer service area for the City of Greenwood, Indiana. The interceptor flows via gravity from White River Township to relieve the City’s existing interceptors in the old downtown area and east side, which were at capacity and experiencing surcharging and overflows. The new interceptor runs from SR 135 at the southeast end to SR 37 to the northwest. It generally follows Turkey Pen Creek and Honey Creek and runs adjacent to, or in between, several subdivisions that have experienced significant growth over the last 25 years. The interceptor connects to Citizens Energy Group’s existing 102” diameter South Marion County Regional Interceptor.

The interceptor ranges in size from 15’ to 60’ in diameter, allowed for 10 lift stations to be decommissioned, and included multiple sections constructed via trenchless technology due to road and waterway crossings.

The $65 million project was constructed in two phases and was completed in 2023 utilizing the guaranteed savings project delivery method.

Project Highlights:

  • Project Construction Cost: $60 Million
  • Approximately 55,000’ of gravity sewers ranging in size from 8” to 60” diameter
  • Approximately 10,000’ of 24” diameter force main
  • Jack and bore installations at several locations including SR 37, SR 135, Indiana Railroad, and several of the major County road crossings
  • Pleasant Run Creek crossing, consisting of two parallel 42” pipes as required to maintain adequate cover under the creek
  • Elimination of 10 existing pump stations
  • Right-of-way easement acquisition for approximately 250 parcels along the interceptor route

Clinton County I-65/SR 28 Utilities

Clinton County I-65/SR 28 Utilities

Clinton County, IN

I-65/SR 28 Utilities

Based on economic development and utility planning studies completed by HWC, Clinton County retained HWC to complete design and construction phase services of the recommended project for wastewater and water utilities near I-65 and SR 28. This project included new wastewater collection and water supply facilities to serve existing and potential development near the I-65/SR 28 interchange, as well as unincorporated areas along the SR 28 corridor, west of the City of Frankfort and west of CR 450.

Previously, no public water or wastewater facilities existed in the project area. The scope of work included approximately 10,000’ of gravity sewers (ranging in size from 8” to 15”), two triplex lift stations, approximately 4,000’ of dual 6” and 8” force mains, approximately 18,000’ of dual 8” and 12” force mains (directionally drilled), approximately 24,000’ of 18” water main with associated hydrants and valves, four crossings of SR 28 via jack and bore, and an automatic flushing station to maintain water quality.

Significant land right-of-way acquisition was required for the infrastructure necessary to construct the project. The water and wastewater facilities were connected to the City of Frankfort’s systems, and wastewater treatment for the proposed wastewater collection system is provided by the City of Frankfort. The project was completed in 2021 at a project cost of approximately $15 million.

Due to available funding, a second phase including a 500,000-gallon elevated water tank was designed by HWC and completed in 2023.

Hammond Edison Park

Hammond Edison Park

Hammond, IN

Edison Park

The City of Hammond tasked our design team with incorporating a variety of recreational components that would meet the needs of the surrounding neighborhoods. Unique elements include an agility course, artificial turf sports courts with backer board surrounds, and a “skatespot”. Additionally, the custom play surfacing design illustrates historic themes of Thomas Edison’s inventions into a vibrant, contemporary graphic. Now rejuvenated, Edison Park has become central to the community’s quality of life and sense of place.

Indiana Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects Award Winner

Muncie Madison Street Underpass Flooding Mitigation

Muncie Madison Street Underpass Flooding Mitigation

Muncie, IN

Madison Street Underpass Flooding Mitigation

HWC provided planning, design, and project management services for the Madison Street Underpass Flooding Mitigation project in Muncie, Indiana.

Utilizing conveyance upgrades in conjunction with stormwater pumping and storage, HWC addressed a critical drainage hazard in the heart of Muncie. Madison Street, the arterial north/south road through the City, crosses under three railroad lines, which creates a regional low-point that ties into one of the City’s CSO trunk-lines.

The study included hydrologic modeling of contributing watersheds, hydraulic modeling of several nearby CSO and separate storm sewer systems, and the development of numerous design alternatives to determine a solution to address persistent flooding and stormwater collection.

The recommended project provided capacity for the 100-year event and had an approximate cost of $6.7 million. The first phase of the project provided protection up to a 10-year event at an initial approximate cost of $4 million. Future phases, if implemented, will bring the system up to the full 100-year capacity.

Improvements included two 13,000 GPM 250hp storm pumps, two 1,600 GPM 20hp force main pumps, a 750,000-gallon ground storage tank, 2,200’ of 16” force main directionally drilled, backup generator, wet well, control valves, and 500’ of gravity storm sewers to the station. The first phase was funded via the Guaranteed Savings/Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMAX) procurement method, and Bowen Engineering was the selected savings provider/contractor, working closely with HWC’s staff during design and construction.