by Toni Takacs | Oct 15, 2024
Kokomo, IN
Superior & Union Garage
This project included the redevelopment of a surface parking lot, located at 113 S. Union Street in Kokomo, Indiana on a 0.60-acre parcel. The redevelopment included a 22,000 SF multi-story parking garage with 195 parking spaces and 2,200 SF of retail space located on the first floor of the parking garage.
The project included public utility relocations, grading, drainage, utility infrastructure to the structure, and sidewalk grading to meet ADA requirements.
by Toni Takacs | Oct 15, 2024
HWC helped the City of Hammond with a data storage project to bring additional opportunities for the area. As part of the industrial-sized data center being planned for the shoreline of Lake Michigan, the first greenhouse in the US to recycle waste heat produced by a data center will be developed. Purdue University Northwest will use this greenhouse space for classes and labs to conduct research and focus on innovative projects. HWC endeavors to be part of forward-thinking projects and we are pleased to see our team involved in this cutting-edge development.
HWC continues to provide civil engineering support to this ever-expanding project. Recently, HWC was brought on to help design a Master Plan for the overall site. We continue to be a bridge for communication between the clients (Digital Crossroad) and the City of Hammond, as well as provide concept planning, utility design, and survey work. Digital Crossroads plans to create a large Data Center campus in this area.
by Toni Takacs | Oct 15, 2024
Martinsville, IN
Ohio Street Reconstruction
HWC was responsible for the construction inspection of the Ohio Street Reconstruction project in Martinsville, Indiana.
The project consisted of multiple operations including existing utilities coordination, removal of the existing roads, storm water pipe and structures installation, water service connections, full pavement replacement for approximately 3,000 LF, and sidewalk reconstruction for several hundred feet. The pavement and sidewalk reconstruction included new roundabout, truck apron, splitter islands, and curb ramps installation.
Construction began in January 2023 and was completed in late 2023.
The project cost was approximately $3.1 million.
by Toni Takacs | Oct 15, 2024
Seymour, IN
Burkart Boulevard Phase 2
HWC was responsible for the inspection of the construction of Burkart Boulevard Phase 2. The project consisted of 1.5 miles of new roadway, intersection improvements, at-grade railroad crossing, and a multi-use trail located in Seymour, Indiana.
Phase 2 was a new segment of roadway to provide a bypass from US 50 on the east side of Seymour to US 50 on the west side of Seymour to alleviate through truck traffic. The scope of this project included clearing farm fields and some wooded areas, constructing new side slopes, ditches, and roadway, and installing drainage culverts and box culverts. The project has new asphalt pavement with roundabouts at Airport Road and SR 11 (Walnut Street) intersections and a paved multi-use trail along the entire length of the road. Also included was the installation of guardrail, pavement markings, signage, and lighting at the roundabouts. The project has new at-grade crossings for a railway spur on both the new roadway and the multi-use trail.
The project completion date was October 31, 2023. The LPA project was funded by the City of Seymour and the Federal Highway Administration and was managed by INDOT.
by Toni Takacs | Oct 15, 2024
Indianapolis, IN
Franklin Road Bridge Rehabilitation
HWC designed the Franklin Road over Miller Ditch superstructure replacement and widening project (bridge 4101F) for DPW using local funds.
The project included the replacement of the existing adjacent prestressed box beams for the single-span bridge on a 62-degree skew. The bridge was widened to accommodate a sidewalk on one side and a wider clear roadway of 30’. The existing pile bent foundations were widened and made semi-integral with the new spread box beam superstructure. The channel had additional scour protection installed. The approaching roadway width was transitioned to meet the new bridge width and align travel lanes and shoulders. Tree plantings were included for DPW Flora Permit conditions. The project also included right-of-way acquisition, utility coordination, and environmental services.
The project was completed in 2022 at a cost of $980,000.
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