by Toni Takacs | Oct 7, 2022
Terre Haute, IN
Lafayette Avenue Road Reconstruction
HWC was responsible for the full-time inspection of the Lafayette Avenue project in Terre Haute, Indiana. This project included reconstruction of Lafayette Ave and portions of 25th Street between Fort Harrison Road and Haythorne Avenue, approximately 1.1 miles. The project included the relocation of the centerline of the existing roadway, installation of a new storm sewer system with detention pond, installation of concrete curb and gutter, concrete sidewalks, ADA ramps, concrete approaches, and a center turn lane. The existing railroad crossing was widened and updated from a two-lane signalized crossing to a wider crossing with signalized lights and gates with a center curb island. Coordination between the Indiana Railroad and their Subcontractor RJ Cormann for the closure of Lafayette Avenue and detour route was essential for a smooth transition during construction. This LPA project was funded by the City of Terre Haute and INDOT. The project cost was $7.99 million.
by Toni Takacs | Oct 7, 2022
Hamilton County, IN
Prairie Baptist Road Small Structure 23060 Replacement
HWC completed the design and project management for the replacement of small structure 23060 in Hamilton County. HWC assisted the County in obtaining property information, specifications and drawings of the project, plans of existing structures within the project limits, written reviews to the project, traffic assignments, and utility coordination.
The existing one-lane structure was replaced with a precast reinforced concrete three-sided culvert with wingwalls. The roadway profile was raised 7’ to provide proper sight distance for the 55 mph roadway. The design also included the reconstruction of multiple driveways, site drainage, and infiltration bioswales.
by Toni Takacs | Aug 10, 2022
Seymour, IN
Burkart Boulevard Phase 1
HWC was responsible for the inspection of the construction of Burkart Boulevard Phase 1. The project consisted of 2.3 miles of new roadway, a bridge over the L&I Railroad, and a multi-use trail located in Seymour, Indiana.
Phase 1 was a new segment of roadway to provide a bypass to Freeman Field from US 50. The scope of this project included clearing of farm fields and some wooded areas, constructing new embankments and roadway, installing drainage culverts and several box culverts. The project has a single-span bridge over the L&I Railroad and a long segment of MSE Wall from each end bent east and west of the railroad and new asphalt pavement with a roundabout at the O’Brien Street intersection. The project has a paved multi-use trail along the entire length of the road. Also included was the installation of guardrail, pavement markings, signage, and lighting at the roundabout.
The contract completion date was October 31, 2021. The $17.3 million LPA project was funded by the City of Seymour and INDOT.
by Toni Takacs | Aug 5, 2022
Seymour, IN
Burkart Boulevard/Southern Bypass
HWC prepared the design plans for this $25 million, 3.8 mile extension of Burkart Boulevard around the southern portion of the City of Seymour. Increasing train traffic has forced the City to pursue a grade separated crossing and new alignment roadway to provide an unimpeded access route to the local hospital. HWC developed preliminary costs for the project and assisted with obtaining federal funding. Design tasks included new roadway design, roundabout intersections, drainage, a multi-use path, right-of-way assessments, coordination with impacted property owners, and overall cost estimating for the project. The project was constructed in three phases.
by Toni Takacs | Mar 30, 2022
Clarksville, IN
Cosmo/Bolt and Tie Mixed-Use
HWC partnered with Jeffersonville, Indiana-based developer, the Cornerstone Group, and Indianapolis-based Envoy, to complete the Cosmo/Bolt and Tie mixed-use project in Clarksville, Indiana. The site is located along Woerner Avenue in the South Clarksville Mixed-Use District, and is the first major redevelopment project in this District. The new mixed-use facility is a four-story, 135,000+ SF building with an outdoor amenity area located on the roof. The first floor includes a restaurant space, office/retail suites, co-working office suites, and common areas. The remaining floors of the building include 96 apartments units.
Named “Mixed-Use Project of the Year” by Louisville Business First
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