Indianapolis, IN

Franklin Road Bridge Rehabilitation

HWC designed the Franklin Road over Miller Ditch superstructure replacement and widening project (bridge 4101F) for DPW using local funds.

The project included the replacement of the existing adjacent prestressed box beams for the single-span bridge on a 62-degree skew. The bridge was widened to accommodate a sidewalk on one side and a wider clear roadway of 30’. The existing pile bent foundations were widened and made semi-integral with the new spread box beam superstructure. The channel had additional scour protection installed. The approaching roadway width was transitioned to meet the new bridge width and align travel lanes and shoulders. Tree plantings were included for DPW Flora Permit conditions.  The project also included right-of-way acquisition, utility coordination, and environmental services.

The project was completed in 2022 at a cost of $980,000.